♥ HOW to ORDER ♥

How to ORDER

1. Confirm what do you want to order by 
Info order yang kamu inginkan dengan cara
*   Send SMS/Call to +62 0811169411 - 02199194277 or
*   Email: mimoyadhei@gmail.com
NOTE: SUBJECT (email): ORDER from .......... date ..........

2. or  You can add our FB: Nasqee Stuffs then send your message through inbox
Atau bisa tambah teman lewat Facebook kami: Nasqee Stuffs, kemudian kirimkan kami pesan lewat inbox FB

3. or you can shout your text (what do you want to order) in our SHOUTMIX box
Atau silahkan kasih komentar dalam SHOUTMIX box yang telah kami sediakan pada sisi kanan halaman website kami

4. After we received your order, 1 day after you transfer, it will be your PO's Date (Pre - Order Date),

 we will send you the invoice through your Email address, then more or less 2-3 weeks your shoes will be ready to deliver to your address

5. For Reseller Info (the quick response)...just buzz me @YM: dhei_yudia 
or you can give also the comment in our shoutmix box and give us your email address. 
We will send you soon the reply for reseller info

◘◘  For Order MIMOSABI ◘◘ 
Please contact:

TITIN 0817 642 0261
MILKA 0812 1026 948
ANDRE/ENDANG 021 94888950 - 021 99907913
KIKIS 0857 2979 1965